Roselands & Stafford Curriculum

Curriculum Ambition: National

Our curriculum is designed with the intent and ambition to meet and exceed the requirements of the National Curriculum and ensure that pupil progress is strong. Our vibrant and exciting curriculum ensures that results for the school are consistently above national average for key performance measures.

Curriculum Ambition: Federation

We are very proud of our Curriculum. We firmly believe that children need to be inspired by the curriculum and engaged in their learning if they are to make good progress and reach their full potential. Roselands and Stafford pupils receive a broad, balanced and creative curriculum that specifically recognises the importance of reading to enable pupils to progressively build and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills across all subjects. The curriculum includes a defined entitlement to enrichment experiences through the taught curriculum and all other planned activities.

Community/Contextual Factors

At the Roselands and Stafford Federation, we recognise the importance of tailoring our curriculum to the needs of the pupils and families in our school community.

In particular, our learners need:

  • To access an inclusive curriculum that meets the needs of all learners
  • To make rapid progress in Literacy, oracy and numeracy
  • To demonstrate pro-learning and pro-social attitudes to learning
  • Opportunities to learn beyond the classroom
  • An understanding of how to stay safe

Pedagogical Thinking

We want our pupils to know themselves as learners, to understand their strengths, address their weaknesses and strive to ‘Be the Best we can Be. Pupils who are confident to take risks, are able to keep themselves safe and are prepared for life and its challenges both as individuals and as team players. Our vision is consistant throughout the federation.

Our Learners and Values

Our values of Responsibility, Resilience and Respect underpin our curriculum. Understanding our place in the world drives our appreciation of communities, whether these are at home, in school or on a local, national or global scale. By delving deep into the past and the present and imagining future opportunities, our children gain a sense of awe and wonder for their world.

Our vision

Working collaboratively to inspire learners to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values required for lifelong learning and to be successful, active members of the Trust and wider community.