EnglishEnglish Curriculum Ambition: National
At the Roselands & Stafford Federation it is our intent and ambition for English to broadly follow the National Curriculum, whilst using our status as a Federation to adapt the curriculum to reflect our local context. Our intention is that pupils make rapid progress, so that English results for the school are consistently above national averages in all phases for key performance measures.
English Curriculum Ambition: Federation
Roselands and Stafford pupils receive a broad, balanced and creative English curriculum which fosters a lifelong love of reading to enable pupils to progressively build and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills across all subjects. Our varied and creative English curriculum progresses through EYFS to Year 6, providing children with the acquired skills at each key stage to secure an effective transition. The role of English in the curriculum is to develop imaginative and inspired writers who are ambitious and fluent readers, who enjoy reading for pleasure, resulting in confident and considered communicators. English is an immersive cross-curricular subject that is developed in all areas of the school, with literacy at the heart of all planned activities and experiences.
Our vision
Working collaboratively to inspire learners to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values required for lifelong learning and to be successful, active members of the Trust and wider community.