Key Information
OfstedOfsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services
and Skills.
Roselands Report
The report states a number of strengths, such as the acknowledgement that: “Roselands Infant School is an outstanding school which has gone from strength to strength since its last inspection when it was judged to be good. It has a nurturing and caring ethos, with children’s best interests at the very heart of its work. Staff are very accessible and give pupils and their parents or carers a warm welcome each morning.”
Stafford Report
“New leaders are unswerving in their ambition and moral purpose to improve the quality of education at the school. They show remarkable resolve and resilience during this challenging period for the school. Leaders know what needs to improve. They are focusing on the most pressing priorities. These include pupils’ behaviour, teaching and provision for pupils with SEND.”
Our vision
Working collaboratively to inspire learners to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values required for lifelong learning and to be successful, active members of the Trust and wider community.