This booklet has been put together to outline the support available in the school to our pupils. It is important that we work strongly in partnership with parents and carers to put pupil wellbeing at the heart of all we do. This starts with the care and support given to each child and young person who walks through our gates.
Good mental health is important for helping children and young people to develop and thrive. The Mental Health of Children and Young People in England survey (2020) found 16% (1 in 6) of children aged 5 to 16 years to have a probable mental health disorder, an increase from 1 in 9 in 2017. Our aim is to work with our children and young people to integrate health and well-being into our day to day activities, to enable us to create a positive and healthy environment for all.
Health and well-being is central to the development of our children and young people in Cavendish Education Trust (CET) and improving the education we deliver. We aim to provide a nurturing environment in which our children and young people are able to enhance and maintain their personal well-being and to reach their full potential.
Alongside the care and support provided to all pupils there are times when a child or young person will need extra care and help. This booklet has been put together to outline the range of support provided to all pupils in the school. Alongside the regularly reviewed and updated universal support for all pupils there is targeted in school support for those who require it. The next few pages detail this support and who to liaise with over it. It then offers an external agency directory for further signposting to pupils and parents.
Cavendish Education Trust Vision and Values
Positive mental health is key to well-being and quality of life. It enables you to thrive in life and to respond effectively to the challenges that daily life brings.
Cavendish Education Trust is committed to ensuring that all children and young people have the opportunity to enjoy the highest possible standard of well-being and mental health. We are united in our view that improved well-being amongst our community is a key outcome for the Trust.
Respect, Resilience and Responsibility underpins everything we do across the Trust, from planning and delivering our curriculum to personal development of individuals. Through our values a caring, supportive environment is created.
Cavendish Education Trust aims to provide excellent mental health provision with a clear strategy that will support and promote mental health and well-being for all children and young people across CET schools. We aim to embed a culture of openness around mental health and forge stronger links between education and health to ensure there is access to appropriate support.
Aims and Objectives
- To have a CET approach to promoting positive mental health and well-being within a culture of high expectations and support.
- To ensure that, through the promotion of positive mental health and well-being, our CET children and young people are able to express their feelings, build their confidence and emotional resilience and therefore their capacity to thrive.
- To increase awareness, understanding and reduce stigma amongst children and young people and our wider community around mental health and well-being.
What do I do if I am concerned about my child’s mental health and emotional well being?
CET Primary:
Have you:
- Spoken to a member of staff at the gate
- Emailed the school office with your concern, the email will then be forwarded to the class teacher.
- Made an appointment for a Mental Health & Wellbeing drop in via Arbor
- Contacted any of the support services listed within this Strategy (p9-17)?
CET – Out of School Hours:
If your concern is Urgent or out of school time, have you:
- Contacted your child’s GP for an appointment?
- Contacted 111, where you can speak to a trained Mental Health Triage Nurse, 24 hours a day?
- Don’t forget to let School know the outcome of the appointment, so we can ensure your child is fully supported within school also.
Roselands Infant School Staff
Kyra Siddall-Ward
Executive Headteacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Joanna Page
Assistant Headteacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Stafford Junior School Staff
Kyra Siddall-Ward
Executive Headteacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Simone Jackson
Assistant Headteacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Outside Agency Directory
The following directory of agencies and support for parents/carers, staff supporting pupils and pupils themselves. Some of the resources and support available are age-limited and this should be checked prior to sharing information with families, pupils or making direct contact with the agency themselves.
This has been grouped into sections to help locate the most appropriate or helpful support. This list is not exhaustive, appropriate additions are welcomed and it will be updated at regular points throughout the year.
Parental Support
Being confident and secure about your child’s online usage is a concern for all parents. In order to help and support you with this please access these websites. They are full of useful information that you as parents can use to support you when working with your child to use the internet safely and securely.
Below are some online resources to support with talking about issues relating to online safety at home:
Parental Guides:
Follow this link for updated advice about a range of APPS. The following links offer further guidance on specific websites, APPS and games.
Our vision
Working collaboratively to inspire learners to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values required for lifelong learning and to be successful, active members of the Trust and wider community.